I synthesize large volumes of complex material to craft direct, compelling narrative. Infrastructure, sustainable development, technology and art are my home turf. Whether I'm working with a writer or leading a public conversation, I focus on inclusion and getting the message delivered.


I am a communications consultant at the World Bank Group. I hold a PhD in the History of Art from Yale University, and have taught the history of cities and parks at the University of Chicago, the University of Toronto, and Tufts University. I have consulted on public art projects in Boston and Ottawa, and hav been a contributor to Design Observer since 2014.

See my LinkedIn profile for full details.

Other stuff I do nowadays:

Embroidery which draws on the logic of Josef Albers’ color theory; cross-country ski; read old books and new writing.

Other stuff I have done in the past:

Packed my possessions in cardboard boxes and relocated 17 times; completed 25 years of formal education, including a PhD in the History of Art; taught at five colleges and universities in the United States and Canada; cooked from the same annotated cookbook for 27 years.